Now that I think about it, almost all of our camping trips are centered around whether there are quilt shops nearby. This weekend was no exception. We had a reservation at Keyser Pond Campground in Henniker, NH, which is in Henniker, which is home to Quilted Threads quilt shop. Who knew?
This is in southern New Hampshire so it wasn't a bad drive. So we wouldn't have to break camp to go to the shop, we stopped in before we got to the campground. Deb did her thing while Skip and I chilled in the rig. When she was done, we headed over to Keyser Pond. This campsite, like the last one in Maine, was just a tad shabby but it didn't feel as "icky" as Green Valley. It was predominantly seasonals - trailers with built-up porches of every type. As with most seasonals, they tend to get pretty grimy from all the tree droppings and such so the whole place just felt a bit "used".
The spaces were nice though and we had a ton of room to pitch the screen porch thingy. We relaxed Friday night and then on Saturday, got on the tandem for a trip to yet another fabric store. Just before we got on the bike Deb realized that she had forgotten her bike shorts. She ended up using my gym short which worked fine actually. We had a really nice ride along a river and up and down some rolling hills. Her quilt shop iPhone app showed the shop at a certain place but when we got there after about 10 miles, it wasn't there. I did a quick google search on my phone and found the proper location. It was really hot - did I mention that we also forgot our water bottles so we had to buy some small ones from the camp store? Anyway, I waited in the shade while Deb looked at fabric and then we headed home via another route. We ended up doing about 21 miles.
When we got back to the campsite, we just took off our shoes and walked straight into the pond to cool off. We had a nice rainstorm Saturday evening followed by our neighbor coming over and telling us about the slide-out seal that was hanging down about half-way along the left side. It looked like it had just pulled out as the slide came out. I tried getting it back on but towards the top, it was a really tight fit between the slide and the rig. It actually looked like the whole slide section was canted in the hole since the top left was much closer than the top right.
I struggled with it for awhile and then just got tired. I thought that maybe the rig was twisted slightly due to being on the jacks kind of funny. I figured I would drop the rig off the jacks on Sunday as we were getting ready to leave and try to fix it then.
So, on Sunday, with the rig off the jacks, it was no better. I finally ended up spraying Pam cooking spray onto the rubber so that it wouldn't stick to the side and be pulled in as the slide came in. I'm not really sure how I'm going to fix this...
Dumping involved the usual leaking of the RhinoFlex hose and coupling. Can't figure out why that leaks so badly.
The drive home was pretty easy with just some moderate traffic at the NH tolls.